When researching in any area of law, especially in a subject that is unfamiliar to you, it is helpful to begin with secondary sources. One useful secondary source is the legal treatise, which is generally described as an in-depth, scholarly analysis of a legal topic. To assist you in finding a treatise, this research guide lists selected major treatises in a number of areas of law available in the Fordham Law Library. Please note that it is possible to find other books on the subject by shelf-browsing, using the call numbers listed for the selected treatises.
Treatises can cover a range of jurisdictions and can be federal, national, or state-specific.
Here you will find general treatises on a variety of legal subjects.
In order to locate additional treatises or resources in any of these topics, use the subject headings assigned in the catalog records. You can also click on the call number in the catalog record to browse other books with the same call number.