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Race and the Law School Curriculum

A collection of links to websites, articles, books, and videos designed to help law professors bring race into the classroom conversation


This guide is designed to assist law school faculty members to locate books, articles, videos, reading lists, and other materials which can be useful for promoting equity and inclusion in the law school classroom and for bringing issues of race more fully into the law school curriculum.  Where other law schools have already created useful guides, this guide links to them rather than reinventing them.  We have divided the materials into sections corresponding to the menu buttons on the left of the page as follows: 

  • Getting Started (this page)
  • 1L Curriculum
  • Upper Level Courses
  • Experiential Learning
  • Race and the Classroom 
  • Race and Anti-Racism, Critical Race Theory, and Implicit Bias, Generally
  • Fordham Law Faculty Publications Concerning Race

Please contact Todd Melnick at or 212-636-7677 with any questions or concerns.

Planning Considerations

Sample Language for Learning Objectives