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Race and the Law School Curriculum

A collection of links to websites, articles, books, and videos designed to help law professors bring race into the classroom conversation

Bennet Capers

Against Prosecutors,   105 Cornell L. Rev. 1561 (2019-2020).

Criminal Procedure, the Police, and The Wire as Dissent2018 U. Chi. Legal F. 65 (2018).     

Re-Reading Alafair Burke's The Ex Book Symposium: The Novelization of the Criminal Justice System and Its Effect on Pop Culture,51 New Eng. L. Rev. 235 (2016-2017).     

Talking about Black Lives Matter and #MeToo34 Wis. J. L. Gender, & Soc'y 109 (2019).              

Critical Race Theory and Criminal Justice Symposium: Twenty-Plus Years of Critical Race Theory and Criminal Justice: Looking Backward, Looking Forward12 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 1 (2014-2015).    

Afrofuturism, Critical Race Theory, and Policing in the Year 204494 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1 (2019).      

Techno-Policing Round Table on Big Data and Criminal Law15 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 495 (2017-2018).       

The Prosecutor's Turn Plea Bargaining Regulation: The Next Criminal Procedure Frontier: Symposium57 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1277 (2015-2016). 

The Under-Policed Implementing De-Incarceration Strategies: Policies and Practices to Reduce Crime and Mass Incarceration: Articles & Essays51 Wake Forest L. Rev. 589 (2016).    

On Justitia, Race, Gender, and Blindness Essay12 Mich. J. Race & L. 203 (2006-2007).  

The Trial of Bigger Thomas: Race, Gender, and Trespass31 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 1 (2006-2007).               

Reading Back, Reading Black Ideas35 Hofstra L. Rev. 9 (2006-2007).    

Race, Policing, and Technology: Essay95 N.C. L. Rev. 1241 (2016-2017).             

Criminal Procedure and the Good Citizen118 Colum. L. Rev. 653 (2018).           

Crime, Surveillance, and Communities Cooper-Walsh Colloquium Legitimacy and Order: Analyzing Police-Citizen Interactions in the Urban Landscape40 Fordham Urb. L.J. 959 (2012-2013).       

Cross Dressing and the Criminal20 Yale J.L. & Human. 1 (2008).            

Rethinking the Fourth Amendment: Race, Citizenship, and the Equality Principle46 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 1 (2011).      

Policing, Race, and Place44 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 43 (2009).   

Crime, Legitimacy, and Testilying83 Ind. L.J. 835 (2008).  


Olivier Sylvain

Tanya Hernandez

Is There a ‘Mulatto Escape Hatch’ out of Racism?: A Reflection on Multiracial Exceptionalism during a Time of #BlackLivesMatter Book Review Symposium: Multiracials and Civil Rights: Mixed-Race Stories of Discrimination: Response34 J. C.R. & Econ. Dev. 65 (2021).

Racially-Mixed Personal Identity Equality Commentaries: America's Race Problem: Understanding Racial Injustice through the Lens of Law and the Humanities, 16 Law, Culture & Human. 354 (2020).       

Advocacy in Ideas: Legal Education and Social Movements,  36 Colum. J. Gender & L. 40 (2018).
Symposium: Fifty Years of Loving v. Virginia and the Continued Pursuit of Racial Equality: Foreword86 Fordham L. Rev. 2625 (May 2018).   

Colorism and the Law in Latin America - Global Perspectives on Colorism Conference Remarks Global Perspectives on Colorism,  14 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 683 (2015).  

One Path for Post-Racial Employment Discrimination Cases - The Implicit Association Test Research as Social Framework Evidence Symposium: Civil Rights and Civil Justice: 50 Years Later, 32 Law & Ineq. 309 (2014).      

Sotomayor's Supreme Court Race Jurisprudence: Fidelity to the Law,    123 Yale L.J. F. 479 (2013-2014) 

The Legal Challenges of Diversity: Review Essay, 63 J. Legal Educ. 740 (2013-2014).        

The Value of Intersectional Comparative Analysis to the Post-Racial Future of Critical Race Theory: A Brazil-U.S. Comparative Case Study Commentary: Critical Race Theory: A Commemoration: Response43 Conn. L. Rev. 1407 (2010-2011).      

Hate Speech and the Language of Racism in Latin America: A Lens for Reconsidering Global Hate Speech Restrictions and Legislation Models,  32 U. Pa. J. Int'l L. 805 (2010-2011).   

Employment Discrimination in the Ethnically Diverse Workplace,  49 Judges J. 33 (2010).               

Latino Inter-Ethnic Employment Discrimination and the Diversity Defense,  42 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 259 (2007).  

 A Critical Race Feminism Empirical Research Project: Sexual Harassment & (and) the Internal Complaints Black Box Defining the Voices of Critical Race Feminism39 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1235 (March 2006).    

To Be Brown in Brazil: Education and Segregation Latin American Style Colloquium - Relearning Brown: Applying the Lessons of Brown to the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century29 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 683 (2004-2005).    

Afro-Mexicans and the Chicano Movement: The Unknown Story: Book Review92 Calif. L. Rev. 1537 (October 2004).

Global Perspectives on Workplace Harassment Law: Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Meeting, Association of American Law Schools Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law,  8 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J. 151 (2004)

Comparative Judging of Civil Rights: A Transnational Critical Race Theory Approach63 La. L. Rev. 875 (2002-2003).    

Pioneering the Lens of Comparative Race Relations in Law: A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. as a Model of Scholarly Activism Symposium: Race, Values, and the American Legal Process - A Tribute to A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.20 Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 331 (2002).            

 Multiracial Matrix: The Role of Race Ideology in the Enforcement of Antidiscrimination Laws, a United States-Latin America Comparison87 Cornell L. Rev. 1093 (July 2002).            

The Next Challenge in Sexual Harassment Reform: Racial Disparity Panel One: Gender, Race, and Sexuality: Historical Themes and Emerging Issues in Women's Rights Law, 23 Women's Rts. L. Rep. 227 (2001-2002).

Sexual Harassment and Racial Disparity: The Mutual Construction of Gender and Race,” 4 J. Gender Race & Just.  183 (2000-2001).  

An Exploration of the Efficacy of Class-Based Approaches to Racial Justice: The Cuban Context LatCrit IV Symposium - Rotating Centers, Epanding Frontiers: Theory and Marginal Intersections- Forging Our Identity: Transformative Resistance in the Areas of Work, Class, and the Law33 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1135 (Summer 2000).

Multiracial Discourse: Racial Classifications in an Era of Color-blind Jurisprudence57 Md. L. Rev. 97 (1998).       

The Interests and Rights of the Interracial Family in a Multiracial Racial Classification Proceedings of the Third Annual Mid-Atlantic People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference February 13-15, 1997: Part 2,  36 Brandeis J. Fam. L. 29 (1997-1998).     

The Construction of Race and Class Buffers in the Structure of Immigration Controls and Laws Symposium: Citizenship and Its Discontents: Centering the Immigrant in the Inter/National Imigination: Part II: Section Three: Rethinking Agency: Global Economic Restructuring and the Immigrant76 Or. L. Rev. 731 (1997)

Bias Crimes: Unconscious Racism in the Prosecution of Racially Motivated Violence99 Yale L.J. 845 (1989-1990)               

John Pfaff

The Incentives of Private Prisons Reforming Arizona Criminal Justice52 Ariz. St. L.J. 991 (2020).

A Second Step Act for the States (and Counties, and Cities)41 Cardozo L. Rev. 151 (2019-2020)     

Why the Policy Failures of Mass Incarceration Are Really Political Failures The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration, 104 Minn. L. Rev. 2673 (2019-2020).  

It's about Quality: Private Confinement Facilities in Juvenile Justice Special Issue on Private Corrections: Domains of Privatization, 18 Criminology & Pub. Pol'y 361 (2019).    

Decarceration's Blindspots: Lecture,16 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 253 (2018-2019).    

Criminal Punishment and the Politics of Place The Geography of Confinement: Essays45 Fordham Urb. L.J. 571 (2017-2018).     

Prosecutors Matter: A Response to Bellin's Review of Locked-In,  116 MLR Online 165 (2017).  

The Complicated Economics of Prison Reform 2016 Survey of Books Related to the Law: Reviews114 Mich. L. Rev. 951 (2015-2016).   

The War on Drugs and Prison Growth: Limited Importance, Limited Legislative Options Symposium: Drug Policy Reality and Reform52 Harv. J. on Legis. 173 (2015)

Federal Sentencing Guidelines in the States: Some Thoughts on Federal Grants and State Imprisonment Symposium: Federal Sentencing Reform Ten Years after United States v. Booker66 Hastings L.J. 1567 (2014-2015).  

Escaping from the Standard Story: Why the Conventional Wisdom on Prison Growth is Wrong, and Where We Can Go from Here Preliminary Materials, 26 Fed. Sent'g Rep. 265 (April 2014)

Waylaid by a Metaphor: A Deeply Problematic Account of Prison Growth 2013 Survey of Books Related to the Law: Review111 Mich. L. Rev. 1087 (2012-2013).       

The Micro and Macro Causes of Prison Growth28 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 1239 (2011-2012).

The Myths and Realities of Correctional Severity: Evidence from the National Corrections Reporting Program on Sentencing Practices13 Am. L. & Econ. Rev. 491 (2011).    

The Durability of Prison Populations Crime, Criminal Law, and the Recession2010 U. Chi. Legal F. 73 (2010).     

The Future of Appellate Sentencing Review: Booker in the States Symposium: Criminal Appeals: Sentencing Appeals, 93 Marq. L. Rev. 683 (2009-2010).     

The Empirics of Prison Growth: A Critical Review and Path Forward Criminology98 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 547 (2007-2008).    

The Vitality of Voluntary Guidelines in the Wake of Blakely v. Washington: An Empirical Assessment Articles on Guideline Operation Issues,      19 Fed. Sent. R. 202 (February 2007).    

The Continued Vitality of Structured Sentencing following Blakely:  The Effectiveness of Voluntary Guidelines54 UCLA L. Rev. 235 (December 2006)