This guide answers the most common questions we receive on foreign, comparative, and international law (FCIL) at Fordham Law. These questions fall into three categories: general FAQs, citation & journal source-pulling, and in-depth research. Browse the questions below or use the search box in the top left corner.
1. General FAQs: Here you can find basic definitions, tips on the availability of translations, and info on specialty databases.
2. Citation & Source-Pulling: When we talk about source-pulling, we are looking for one particular document, typically in accordance with Bluebook citation rules; this is a treasure hunt for one document, where the context surrounding the document is less likely to matter. This page will discuss best practices for using the Bluebook to cite FCIL material and review commonly-requested sources like treaties and UK cases.
3. In-Depth Research: Doing in-depth research on a foreign, comparative, or international topic is very different from source-pulling. When we do in-depth research, for example when working on a seminar paper or a note, we are exploring a topic and doing analysis; context is critically important. Here you will see questions on research process, which secondary sources to use in this area, and starting points for commonly-researched fields.
What is the difference between foreign, comparative, and international law?
What are the primary sources in foreign law?
What are the primary sources of international law?
How do I find FCIL materials on Westlaw/Lexis?
Does the library have any specialty databases that could help with an FCIL topic?
What's the relationship between the Bluebook and source-pulling?
What are the Bluebook rules on foreign and international materials?
How do I cite a source that is not in the Bluebook?
How do I figure out this abbreviation?
How do I find foreign cases by citation?
How do I find English cases by citation?
How do I find foreign statutes by citation?
How do I find articles that aren't on Westlaw/Lexis?
How do I find cases from the International Court of Justice?
What should I include in research planning?
What are the best secondary sources for foreign law topics?
What are the best secondary sources for international law topics?
How do I find foreign laws when I have a citation?
How do I find foreign laws when I do NOT have a citation?
Why is it so hard to find cases for some countries?
For help accessing these materials or any additional questions, please contact a reference librarian at, via chat, or by calling 212 636 6908.
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