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The Steps to Researching and Writing a Scholarly Article: Bluebooking

This guide will walk you through the process of researching and writing a scholarly article from preemption check to Bluebooking

Helpful Bluebook Resources

No One Likes to Bluebook

Citations are a necessary evil. In the scholarly legal world, we generally use Bluebook citation format. To the left you have a list of books and guides that can help you master the Bluebook. Here are a few additional tips:

  • The golden rule for citing is that a reader should be able to locate the source with the provide information in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Use the index to the Bluebook to help locate an appropriate rule.
  • If you are writing for a known journal and questions arise, consult the citation guide or ask an editor for guidance on citing the source.
  • If you are having trouble citing a source, run a search in an legal article database to locate a reputable journal and see how that journal cited it.
  • Visit a reference librarian for help.