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ALL-SIS Scholarly Communications & Author's Rights Toolkit

What is a DOI?

DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier. DOI is a fee-based service to create a unique digital identifier for articles, reports, media, etc. DOI is a persistent link to a specific source.

Clicking on a DOI link will lead to an article, blog, media, data set, etc. DOIs are
often associated with published scholarship, as a way to send a link to the full text
of an article. DOIs in this setting are added by the publisher, not the author.

Example of a DOI:

Why Would a Library Want to Assign DOIs?

Libraries with repositories may want to consider creating DOIs for non-published materials. Including, for preprints where published copies may not be put in an open access repository, datasets, committee reports, student newspapers, pictures, flyers, yearbooks, and so much more.

Journal Support

Libraries may also be asked to work with their law schools publications to assign

Libraries wishing to assign DOIs cannot work directly with the DOI organization, but rather with a DOI Registration Agency, such Crossref. Crossref requires that you purchase a membership and a cost per DOI created. Many universities have a subscription to Crossref, or other agencies, so check with your campus library before setting up your own.

For more information on DOIs and law libraries, try Benjamin J. Keele, A Primer on Digital Object Identifiers for Law Librarians, 20 Trends 35 (2010),